

Matheus Silva

Software Developer

Matheus Silva - About

Who am i

I'm a open source oriented developer, i tend to whatever i do think about others first and think if anything that can be done can be open sourced. Since the beginning this made me grow so much! I was capable of learning best practices in all scenarios, new tools, new ways of coding! Everything! The way that a product and a project should grow is end user first!

Side interests

Apart from tech i'm also into crypto, including defi, yield farm, and everything related to blockchains! I'm currently learning react-native and solidty/web3js side by side on a side projetct i'm developing! This is being done in cooperation with a friend designer! We aim to deliver some really good UX and a product that actually works. We used our own needs and some friends opinions to shape up the interactions and features!


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Webpack and the state of bundlers - ReactConfBR

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State University of Campinas

Bachelor on Systems information - 2013


Software Developer - Ifood

I'm working primarily on the main website, particularly on the checkout and payment section. Performing frontend development and doing an end to end deployment on different staging platforms (from staging to production).

Predominantly my job is to help the product to scale, with multiple teams coding into the same project, it is my job to create, modify and add ways to scale the product better, adding security updates; improving DX and updating the continuously deployment that already exists.

Software Developer - Daitan

Working primarily as a frontend developer, but doing work not related to the frontend, such as DevOps (deploying applications with docker), configuring Jenkins pipelines, debugging java code (spring-boot and apache camel).

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Intern Software developer - Daitan

During the internship i was able to get in touch with what the market was using in terms of tech, before that i had just read about, some of the techs i had never touched.

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Working as a freelance for various clients, I was able to build and improve some skills: self-taught; self-management; manage time correctly; communication skills; time measuring; estimate projects correctly. I worked with a basic stack a the time being it: PHP, HTML, Mysql, Postgres, MongoDB, jquery